What a negative SEO attack looks like

I wanted to highlight a common tactic other competitors or other SEO agencies will use against your website that works really well if your not looking out for it.  Its called a negative SEO Attack – and what it is essentially is some low life useless grub pointing thousands of irreverent spammy links to your site, in the aim to have your site de-ranked from page 1 of Google search listings.

The reason why it works so well is Google hates spammy links and organising thousands of natural links to be pointed to your site, it makes you look like your trying to game the system.  So as soon as they detect these links they will de-rank you.

The way to undo this is to use a tool called the  Disavow Tool – see below on the steps you can take to have these links ignored by Google, thus resorting your SEO rank again.

Disavow Links Tool 

The attack – so the grub will point a set of links to your site, here is a sample, in our case they pointed over 3000+ in one go.

See sample attack links here:



The counter measure:

After you have written to the webmasters to have your links removed, and after they have not complied, take the following steps:

Step 1: log into the Google Disavow tool with your webmaster Gmail account : URL:  https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/disavow-links-main

Step 2: select your website profile, and download any existing old disavow files that may be there.  If you have not done this before you can list the URLs in a .txt file.  When you create a text file, add a note with a hash-tag at the top explaining to Google when you contacted the webmaster and what the outcomes were, for example:

# Dear Google, we contacted the webmasters a week ago but were not able to establish a reply – please disavow the following URLs

Step 3: List the links in your TXT file such as:






Step 4: save the file as a .txt file

Step 5:  https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/disavow-links-main   >  load the tool,  select your profile  >  select your .TXT file  >  select upload  >  select done.


ref: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2648487?hl=en


If you need help with removing bad links from your site, feel free to write in to us for more information.