Build Your Personal Brand Using Google Ads

A booming business with clients flooding in doesn’t just happen overnight. If you want to improve your marketing and increase your brand awareness, you need to focus on creating your personal brand through Google Ads.

What is personal branding?
Simply put, your personal brand is your online identity. You create a persona and public image for how you want your consumers to see you, and you use this identity when creating advertising or communications.
Your persona should be made up of your values and motivation and can also illicit emotion in your audience.
In the same way large organisations rely on public figures or mascots to be the face of their brand, you should also emanate this persona in your Ad creative and communication strategies.

Here’s how to make it happen.

1. Make your LinkedIn resume more search-friendly
This may seem like a difficult task, but it is far from it. To create a LinkedIn profile snippet that will show on search, just make sure you fill out all of the required fields in your LinkedIn profile. This includes the name of your company, your role, and your location.
You should also update your profile’s default URL and link it to your relevant website, as well as adding links to your active social media accounts.

2. Create a profile on your website
Unlike profiles on common social media sites, which are essentially leased spaces, building a personal profile on your own website gives you total control of how you portray your identity. This means designing the ideal template, writing engaging material, and concentrating on ending people from your Google Ads to these relevant profiled funnel pages.
It’s important for the profile to have its own dedicated webpage to capture your audience’s attention. The page should be linked to all of your active social media accounts, and you should include your name in the page URL and at the start of the page title.

3. Focus on maintaining domain authority and Ad Quality Score
When it comes to Google techniques, domain authority is one of the most significant factors to consider for SEO, but domain relevance and content relevance is also good for Google Ads quality scoring. It can be broken down into three major areas of work that you should concentrate on:

  1. Quality of content
  2. Quality of domains linking to you
  3. Social signals

Since engagement remains one of the most important factors in organic ranking, focusing on unique and relevant content that uses cross links, as well as an effective tagging structure, will increase your engagement metrics, making your website more relevant to search engines.
If you’re posting content on your website or on a social media account, consistency in your persona and tone is essential if you want to rank high in search results.

Use social media for promotion
Google gives Twitter accounts a high ranking, as well as Facebook, Tumblr, Vimeo, Quora, and even accounts. Even if you don’t find them useful for your company, many other people do, including your target audience, and depending on your privacy settings, a large number of people can see your profile. This is why it’s important to keep a professional appearance that aligns with your personal brand identity.
To take advantage of social media for promotion, fill out a brief bio on each platform, provide links to your website, and let people know if you’re not using a particular platform but have a profile there.

Using Google Ads Within Your Marketing
Despite the fact that Google Ads is one of, if not the most, powerful marketing tool available, it’s not the only thing that will help you achieve your full marketing potential. Branding, social media, and other marketing strategies will integrate with and complement Google Ads, giving you the opportunity to improve and grow your business. The main challenge here is how to effectively incorporate Google Ads into your marketing strategy in order to get the most out of it.  Today, Google in Australia plays such an important role in a company’s online success. However, it can be difficult to implement if you don’t know where to start. In addition, how it’s implemented will depend on your budget, skills, and objectives, as well as whether to do this in-house or outsource to Google Ads experts. If you do try it out on your own, you should be aware that it will take a significant amount of time, effort, and resources. AdWords is a constant work in progress that will necessitate ongoing monitoring and maintenance.  If you are unfamiliar with the Google Ads platform and best practice, it might be preferable to employ a knowledgeable and experienced Ads management firm. Here are the benefits to turning to the experts.

1. Experience
Even if you have spent time learning the basics of Google Ads with online articles or blog posts, these are likely not enough to compare to the years of experience that professional Ads management agencies have.
Your company’s success should never be based on guesswork or trials. If you don’t have any experience with AdWords, it’s more likely that implementing a flawed Adwords strategy would damage your website rather than help it.
Adwords firms have the knowledge and experience necessary to make informed decisions about your website, delivering quality results including exposure and search engine ranking, no matter your industry.
Working with a seasoned AdWords firm also ensures that you’ll be well-prepared to deal with unanticipated changes like algorithm improvements and refinements. This is because AdWords firms have dealt with similar problems many times before and will be able to help you with any possible issues that arise.

2. Achieving better outcomes
Experienced firms are capable of analysing your website, your goals, and your business niche in order to develop a consistent strategy for increasing your exposure in search engine results.
They can monitor the success of your campaign and adjust their plans as needed to ensure that you are on the right track to achieving quality results.
It’s pointless to have a well-designed, informative website if it doesn’t get any traffic. Google Ads helps to give your site the exposure it deserves, allowing it to attract a larger number of subscribers and help to establish your personal brand.

3. Allows you to concentrate on running your business
If you ever try to do Google Ads on your own, one of the first things you’ll find is how much time a proper Google Ads campaign can and will take. Search engine optimisation isn’t something you can do on the weekend, it necessitates a significant amount of time, resources, commitment, and stamina, as well as extensive study, meticulous attention to detail, and a large quantity of high-quality content and links.
The meaning of major search engine concepts and processes is understood by only great Google Ads companies. Outsourcing this task to a reputable Google Ads firm will free up time for you to focus on what you should be doing more of: running your business.

4. Across the latest developments
The algorithms and standards used by major search engines to rate websites are continually updated and tweaked. In a lot of cases, what worked yesterday will not work tomorrow.

Leading search engines’ algorithms change over time, and your Google Ads strategy must adapt to keep up. You will easily be outranked by those who respond to these frequent changes if your website does not.
Via regular and systematic analysis and participation in conferences with the best Google Ads experts in the industry, Google Ads companies stay up to date with the most recent updates to any search engine algorithm. Any Google Ads company will quickly adjust to changes by keeping up to date with recent search engine news and updates, ensuring your website maintains its ranking.

5. Gives you a new perspective
Working on the same website for years on end can become tedious at times. You may be running out of new topic ideas and believe that your internal pages or blog will benefit from a new and refreshing path. A new set of eyes and a different outlook will help you nail down the work that really needs to be done to help your marketing and brand adapt and grow.

6. Add-on services
Another advantage of hiring a powerful Google Ads agency is that they have a range of other marketing services that benefit your business as well as Google Display, YouTube Pre-rolls or SEO.
Some of these additional services include online presence analysis, social media network marketing, email marketing, SEO, conversation rate optimisation, and affiliate marketing.
If you’re not sure where to start with these, your agency can also assist you in determining what extra services you need most.

Hiring an Google Ads Agency
All of the advantages mentioned above for hiring an Google Ads agency should give you a thorough understanding of the important reasons for entrusting your campaign to true Google Ads professionals, rather than taking on the task of website optimisation on your own.
If you’re considering hiring an Google Ads firm, there are a few things you should know first:

  • When it comes to Google Ads promotions, you must leave no room for error at all costs.
  • It’s not always easy to choose an Google Ads firm because there are thousands of them on the market. However, even if they claim to, not all organisations have the technical experience and expertise necessary to assist you in achieving your Google Ads objectives.
  • You may also be under the assumption that purchasing more expensive packages would provide you with immediate results, but keep in mind that a higher price does not necessarily imply a higher quality.

Here are some steps you can take to ease the hiring process to select your Google Ads firm.

1. Examine Previous Work
It’s important to find a consulting firm that is truly involved in the company’s priorities and objectives. The goal of most business owners is to recruit someone who can work as an extension to their current team.

2. Look for someone who can cater to the company’s needs
As previously said, Google Ads is not a widely accepted practice. The effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign, the time it takes to have a positive impact on your market, and the competitiveness of the search results page environment will all be determined by your company and industry.
This means that you’ll need someone who knows your industry and what it takes to compete, as well as your brand’s objectives.

3. Get to know your prospect
Today’s online marketing necessitates thorough storytelling, so have your nominee tell you about how the company got started, their best and worst customer encounters, and their core values. When you listen to their responses, you’ll either confirm or dispel your belief that this particular organisation is the best match for you. The more you learn about your prospect, the more you’ll be able to determine whether they’re the right fit for you.

4 Rules you or your Google Ads company should follow

1. Prioritise user experience
A great user experience means that usability, navigation, and search should all be simple for your visitors. Not only are you keeping search engines happy by doing this, but also your visitors.
Positive user experience means an increase in organic shares, and further distribution using Google Ads.
The more persuasive and user-friendly your website becomes, the more traffic and repeat visits you’ll get.

2. Only create relative and smart content
Every piece of content you make should have a specific goal in mind. Producing low-quality Ad content that has errors, repetition or spin is harming your personal brand. Instead you can plan content that is not just keyword-focused, but also highly engaging and enticing, value or benefit lead.
The most basic rule to remember is that your content must engage and inform your audience.

3. Website mobile optimisation is not an option, it’s a must
Mobile devices first overtook desktops as the primary method for accessing websites in 2016, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. This means your audience is no longer confined to a single place.  Year after year, the total number of searches on mobile devices has increased by 43%. The truth is that if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a lot of conversion opportunities.

4. Take advantage of influencer marketing
On average, companies produce nearly $7 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing, and more than half of all marketers in Australia say that influencer marketing helps them get more customers. When you align your brand with an influencer, you’re putting your service or product in front of that influencer’s large, loyal following of people who trust their opinion, enabling you to reach a whole new market.

In summary we hope you have benefited from reading about how to engage and build your personal brand through some major platforms such as Google Ads and other marketing techniques or requirements that do with good brand building techniques.

If you would like to know more about our affordable services, then give our agency a call, its risk free, we are here to help and answer your questions!